Programs for Minors

The University of Tennessee System implemented Safety Policy SA0575 (Programs for Minors) to promote a safe environment for minors participating in university-sponsored activities. Because of the unique nature of our mission and the multitude of programs we offer, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (UTIA) is taking a proactive, comprehensive approach to Programs for Minors. UTIA has established its own policy and guidelines in support of Safety Policy SA0575.

UTIA Programs for Minors Policy

Resources for counties/departments/centers can be found on this website. Please contact your unit’s human resources office if you have questions or need additional information.

Note: Extension-specific information can be found on the Extension Evaluation and Staff Development webpage.


UTIA Programs for Minors Policy
UT Policy SA0575 – Programs for Minors
Policy HR0580 – Code of Conduct​


UTIA Guidelines for Programs for Minors
Employee Classification Decision Tree
Volunteer Classification Decision Tree


Child Protection Training for Employees (login with NetID; search for “Child Protection Training”)
Child Protection Training for Volunteers (volunteers will need to register if they have not already done so)
Child Protection Training for Students (login to Canvas with your NetID)
Child Protection Training PowerPoint for use with volunteer groups

Registry Checks

National Sex Offender Registry Check
Tennessee Abuse Registry Check


TN Law on Mandatory Reporting Form
Child Protection Training Sign-In Sheet (for groups only)
Certification Form (to be completed by Department Heads/Directors only)
Medical Authorization Form(s)

Additional Resources

Standards of Conduct (Adults – Exhibit B)
Standards of Conduct (Minors – Exhibit C)
SUPER Enrollment Users Guide